8# Literary Essay: "Belonging to a Silent Minority"

Belonging to a silent minority de Karina daniela


          As it is explained in University of Toronto's website, my thesis"makes a definite and limited assertion that needs to be explained and supported by further discussion". In my case, the statement should be explained owing to the fact that the lyrics of the songs are about other minorities rather than the deaf community. For that reason, I read and investigated  the topics of the songs, and I realized that minorities have many things in common. Besides, as I am in contact with the deaf community, I am awared of the difficulties they have to struggle for their rights.  Finally, I was able to discover some parts of the lyrics that support my tentative thesis. I improved the statement by watching the videos: "Thesis Statements: Four Steps to a Great Essay" and "How to Write an A+ Thesis Statement". Both videos helped me a lot. 


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